Thursday, July 30, 2009

Will You Count Me In?

In the past couple of years I haven't had much time to watch 106th and Park but for some reason I was led to watch it today with my niece. The episode was about body image issues, in case you didn't see it. The highlight of the show for me was when co-host Rocsi Diaz opened up about her battle with anorexia. It was so real and forced me to come to terms with my own image issues. I felt her pain because I know how daunting my insecurities are.

It makes me think twice about laughing at someone because they have big lips or big ears even if they are a celebrity. Who am I to point out someone's flaws when I have my own to deal with? For a while it was hard for me to hold my head up and look people in the eye for fear they'd stare at my flaws. I was constantly comparing the size of my breasts to those of others. I would always fold my arms across my chest and always hoped I come across someone with less than me. Shame...the silly lengths we go through to make ourselves feel better.

I totally commend Rocsi and all the other young ladies who had the courage to stand up in front of a live audience full of strangers and admit their issues. Rocsi also raised awareness about anorexia not just being something white girls deal with. I was relieved to know I wasn't the only one covering up things...Now it's time to be free! ;)

Releasing those insecurities and accepting yourself are major steps to authentic confidence. We were all created different for a reason. Look in the mirror and see past your flaws, that's what I'll be doing!

The bottom line is God loves us how we are. Here's proof that you can count on, check it out for yourself...Genesis 1:27 (NIV) God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Psalm 139:14 let's us know that we can praise God because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. See yourself they way your creator sees you.

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